

Ainsworth, Scott H.; Brian M. Harward and Kenneth W. Moffett 2025. Strategic Responsiveness: How Congress Confronts Presidential Power. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press. Online Appendix.

Rice, Laurie L. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2022. The Political Voices of Generation Z. New York, NY: Routledge. Online Appendix.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice 2016. Web 2.0 and the Political Mobilization of College Students. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press (Paperback Released in 2018).

  • Featured in The Hill and The Huffington Post.

Book Chapters

Rice, Laurie L. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2024. “Developing Empowered Citizens: How universities help build
.” In Leaning into Politics: Higher Education’s Role in Building the Democracy We Need. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. Pages 183-198. Online Appendix.

Rice, Laurie L. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2024. “Against the Grain: Fostering Civic Engagement Through
Expanding Your Research Agenda
.” In Civic Pedagogy: Teaching Civic Engagement in an Era of Divisive Politics, eds. Lauren C. Bell, Allison Rank and Carah Ong Whaley. New York City, New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Pages 289-301.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice 2024. “Presidential Candidates on Campus and Civic Engagement among College Students.” In Generational Politics in the United States: From the Silents to Gen Z and Beyond, eds. Sally Friedman and David Schultz. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. Pages 260-296.

Rice, Laurie L. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2020. “College Students, Political Engagement, and Snapchat in the 2020 General Election.” In U.S. Election Analysis 2020: Media, Voters, and the Campaign, eds. Danielle Coombs, Dan Jackson, Darren Lilleker, Einar Thorsen, and Filippo Trevisan. Poole, United Kingdom: Bournemouth University. Pages 94-95. Online Appendix.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice. 2015. “Taking Political Science Courses and Civic Activity.” Technology and Civic Engagement in the Classroom: Engaging the Unengaged, ed. Stephen Caliendo, Suzanne Chod and William Muck. New York City, New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Pages 13-47.

Journal Articles

Weeraratne, Suranjan; Laurie L. Rice; and Kenneth W. Moffett. “Life Difficulties, Violent Online Extremism and Support for Political Violence in the United States” Forthcoming in Terrorism and Political Violence. Online Appendix.

Ainsworth, Scott H.; Brian M. Harward and Kenneth W. Moffett. “Public Response to Trump’s Unilateral Policymaking: The Case of DACA.” Forthcoming in Congress and the Presidency. Online Appendix.

Kim, Jae-Eun C.; Elissa C. Kranzler; Kathleen Yu; Benjamin Denison; Heather M. Dahlen; Joseph N. Luchman; Timothy O. Ihongbe; Michael C. Marshall; Blake Hoffman; Kenneth W. Moffett; Daphney Dupervil; Katherine A. Margolis; and Leah Hoffman 2024. “The Association Between the We Can Do This Campaign and Vaccination Beliefs in the United States.” Journal of Health Communication 29(8): 502-513.

Moffett, Kenneth W.; Michael C. Marshall; Jae-Eun C. Kim; Heather Dahlen; Benjamin Denison; Elissa C. Kranzler; Morgan Meaney; Blake Hoffman; Ivica Pavisic; and Leah Hoffman 2024. “Analyzing Google COVID-19 Vaccine Intent Search Trends and Vaccine Readiness in the United States: Panel Data Study.” Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 16: e55422.

Moffett, Kenneth W.; Kate Seserman; Katherine A. Margolis; Elissa C. Kranzler; Michael C. Marshall;
Heather Dahlen; Jae-Eun C. Kim; Benjamin Denison; Blake Hoffman; Daphney Dupervil; Kathleen Yu;
and Leah Hoffman. “Differences in Social Media Use by COVID-19 Vaccination Status.” Vaccine 42(9): 2166-2170.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice 2024. “TikTok and Civic Activity among Young Adults.” Social Science Computer Review 42(2): 535-553. Online Appendix.

Ihongbe, Timothy O.; Jae-Eun C. Kim; Heather Dahlen; Elissa C. Kranzler; Kate Seserman; Kenneth W. Moffett; and Leah Hoffman 2024. “Trends in Primary, Booster, and Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness in the United States, January 2021-April 2023: Implications for 2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 Vaccines.” Preventive Medicine 180: 187887.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice 2022. “Creditable Civic Engagement? Aligning Work on Civic Activity with Faculty Incentives.” PS: Political Science and Politics 55(2): 401-403.

LaFond, Larry and Kenneth W. Moffett 2020. “Lexical Complexities in the St. Louis Dialect Island.” American Speech 95(2): 173-202.

Rice, Laurie L. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2019. “Snapchat and Civic Engagement among College Students.” Journal of Information Technology and Politics 16(2): 87-104. Online Appendix.

Mares, Dennis M. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2019. “Climate Change and Crime Revisited: An Exploration of Monthly Temperature Anomalies and UCR Crime Data.” Environment and Behavior 51(2): 502-529.

Moffett, Kenneth W. and Laurie L. Rice 2018. “College Students and Online Political Expression During the 2016 Election.” Social Science Computer Review 36(4): 422-439. Online Appendix.

Hayden Foster, Carly and Kenneth W. Moffett 2016. “Candidate Qualifications and Gender in U.S. Congressional Elections.” National Social Science Journal 47(2): 38-58.

Moffett, Kenneth W. 2016. “Partisan Vote Buying and Suspensions in the Postreform House.” Party Politics 22(4): 478-489.

Mares, Dennis M. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2016. “Climate Change and Interpersonal Violence: a “Global” Estimate and Regional Inequities.” Climatic Change 135(2): 297-310.

  • Featured in The Alton TelegraphEdwardsville IntelligencerForbesMinneapolis Star-TribuneUndark MagazineThe Washington Post‘s Monkey Cage Blog, KTRS Radio, and KTVI Television (two appearances).

Moffett, Kenneth W.; Forrest Maltzman; Karen Miranda; and Charles R. Shipan 2016. “Strategic Behavior and Variation in the Supreme Court’s Caseload over Time.” Justice System Journal 37(1): 20-38.

  • Featured in National Journal and The Washington Post‘s Monkey Cage Blog.

Moffett, Kenneth W.; Laurie Rice; and Ramana Madupalli 2014. “Young Voters and War: The Iraq War as a Catalyst for Political Participation.” Social Science Quarterly 95(5): 1419-1443.

Ainsworth, Scott; Brian M. Harward; Kenneth W. Moffett and Laurie Rice 2014. “Congressional Response to Statements of Administration Policy and Presidential Signing Statements.” Congress and the Presidency 41(3): 312-334.

Rice, Laurie; Kenneth W. Moffett and Ramana Madupalli 2013. “Campaign-related Social Networking and the Participation of College Students.” Social Science Computer Review 31(3): 257-279.

Ainsworth, Scott; Brian M. Harward and Kenneth W. Moffett 2012. “Congressional Response to Presidential Signing Statements.” American Politics Research 40(6): 1067-1091.

Moffett, Kenneth W. 2012. “Parties and Procedural Choice in the House Rules Committee.” Congress and the Presidency 39(1): 1-27.

Harward, Brian M. and Kenneth W. Moffett 2010. “The Calculus of Cosponsorship in the U.S. Senate.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 35(1): 117-143.

Statistical Software

Feldman, Thomas* and Kenneth W. Moffett 2016. “freqdist: A Package for Generating Frequency Distributions.” Available through The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

* Undergraduate student coauthor

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